I thought this blog was getting a little dry so what better way to liven it up than with a new segment? I introduce to you all...
CAUT" is an all new segment which publicises the outfits that top the best of the best! Every so often, I will hunt around Stardoll, index finger hovering above the "Print Screen" key waiting until I find that one
utterly divine outfit, and when I do, I will snap it up, and then that outfit is declared "caut" and will be featured right here on
Let's kick it off with Stardoll's classiest; none other than Miss
Haley goes wild without looking trashy, and remaining classy by making her outfit top heavy, with a sleek bottom. She layers the items beautifully and matches them with a killer beauty queen hairdo to create an all round swank ensemble.
Thoughts on the new segment?
What do you think of the poohg_1993's outfit?